If you have questions about Crossroads Community Christian Church, please send us an email at c4crossroadscommunitychurch@gmail.com
Committee Chairs
Weekly Sermon\Bible Study Dan Butcher Elders Chris Wright
Men's Bible Study Mark Meyer Deacons Paul Glascock & ScottSkinner
Music Janie Martin & Kim Bowman Church Board Doug Powlen
Sound System Chris Seward Youth Dan Butcher & Blake Betzner
Bulletins Doug & Amy Powlen Kids Education Blake & Halee Betzner
Finance Kathy Meyer Missions Amy Lytle
Decorating Sue Vandergraf Website Diana Redding
Cleaning Kim Smith Church Usage Dan & Teresa Butcher
Food Teresa Butcher & Norma Gilbert Yard Max Mast
Landscaping Tim Scagnoli Snow Removal Jay Bordner & Tim Redding
Security\Safety Justin Sheagley Building Maintenance Chris Wright

If you have suggestions, comments, or corrections, please send an email to
If you have pictures or information to put on our web page, please send them to